Friday, July 5, 2013

President Obama - The Great Luminary Leader Of All Times by Kevin Alcena PHD

Isaiah 54:17 declares “No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall refute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD and their vindication from me, declares the LORD.”

President Barack Obama need not be offensive or defensive on these rinky-dink nympholeptic scandals that his nescience opponents are so bradykinetically infiltrating the intellectual minds of the American and world population with. However I am always reminded by the words of David Brinkley, “A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.”

The morologist neo-cons boondoogle about as the seize and cast slurs against our bel esprit President Barak Obama in regards to the perceived scandals which are clearly an exaggeration of hypocrisy at its best. The antipodes see it fit to super impose the scenario to embarrass the President’s administration in their office, whilst realizing legally that they don’t have a foot to stand on. To suggest in any shape and form that this is Watergate borders on a schizophrenic assumption of diabolic hate towards the office of the President. But I am daily reminded of the words by Mr. Booker T. Washington himself, that “success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome”.

I commend President Obama for his amiable and stentorophonic approach against the stiff resistance of the neo-cons whippersnappers. In my opinion the President is achieving economic miracles in the US economy. There is no conspiracy theory in regards to Benghazi, there is no conspiracy theory in regards to the APP tapping and there is no conspiracy theory on the RRS tax targeting in regards to the Tea Party. President Obama had nothing to do with the above; however, “the dread of evil is a much more forcible principle of human actions than the prospect of good.” (John Locke)

Trying to embarrass the legacy of President Obama is no more appealing than the selfish alumni who are behind it. The intelligent American community will not allow it under any circumstances. The arcane agenda of the Republicans will have no gain as a result of their most recent inexplicable attack, because the perpetual motion of the highest divine order will not allow it. 1 John 5:19-21 says, “We know that we are children of God, and that the whole world is under the control of the evil one. We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.”

President Barack Obama defeated them in the most vicious presidential election and he will constantly achieve economic greatness for the USA in the areas of advance technology, small entrepreneurship, biological research, and governance in regards to civil society. America is now leading again in the global economy and they are attempting to mice President Obama on the platform of foolishness and nonsense. They want to exaggerate on what does not exist. They want to lynch him. If they could lynch him on their hypothetical allegations that have no meaning, my God will not allow it. Obama will rise like the great phoenix against the nonsensical memdacilouquent rumors and strife that have no bite. He is the God ordained political luminary for this time and season of the Americas. Viva President Obama!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Obamaism by Dr. Kevin J. Alcena

Obamaism by Dr. Kevin J. Alcena

A state arises, as I conceive, out of the needs of mankind; no one is self-sufficing, but all of us have many wants." (Plato)

Obamaism has a significant role in redefining the global leadership agenda by setting new and remarkable economic, as well as political machinery with shared responsibility. It has totally discombobulated the minds of the neo-cons and nummimorous elitists, and it intoxicated the motif operandi that has caused economic havoc in our global community in an unprecedented way. Obamaism has become an antidote and has exposed the true intent of the nikhodenia leaders’ industrial machinery in regards to greed and corruption. For this reason, their acephalous have become brimeborion and a major rejectamenta. Therefore, they are angry. Their anger is based on nescience entitlement for the Presidency, and nonpulus entitlement for economic reasons. It is clear that they suffer from chremadophobia.

"Commonsense is the realised sense of proportion." (Ghandi). We are witnessing the true concept of the “Wealth of A Nation” (Adam Smith), being cognizant of the fact that President Obama’s economic policy represents a fair and justified distribution of growth in regards to the middle class benefiting strategically from their labor. As was written in an CBC News Update on Tuesday, 5 December 2006, “40% of world's wealth owned by 1% of population…..It took more than $500,000 US to be among the richest one per cent of adults in the world, according to the report. The richest 10 per cent of adults needed $61,000 US in assets.”

The 1% of the world’s population who feel entitled to wealth without having a shared responsibility has been exposed by Obama’s saxicolus, comprehensive and exclusive plan to share economic responsibility for the middle class citizens. Obamaism is not about race, nor is it about class! It is simply about redefining and leveling the playing field on global economic shared responsibility for all human races. Like Plato once said, "Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge."
Oligarchy and elitism are branches of the same tree and jettisons us backwards to the days of classism. Instead of the principle “one for all” and “all for one”, Romney’s idea is an antipode which cuts the principle in its vital parts making it an “all for one” palimpsest. In the words of John Adams “All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise, not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from want of honor or virtue, so much as from the downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation." President Obama’s plan has no insidious hidden agenda or any “all-for-me” syndrome in regards to wealth. Wealth has now been bradykinetically redefined in regards to distribution, compensation and the possibility that ALL Americans as well as global citizens can equally share in the opportunities and responsibility of strategically growth with a comprehensive economic agenda for all American citizens in making the American dream even more possible to benefit the global community in a very transparent way. Under President Obama’s leadership this is what is happening. This has never happened before.

“Character may almost be called the most effective means of persuasion."(Aristotle) What manner of man is Obama? His manner and political style has no equal and his presidential mien is more radiant than any who have gone before or any who shall come behind. President Obama stands as an atlas among political equals and has a future face upon Mt. Rushmore fearing no man as he stands with his God.
"It is just that we should be grateful, not only to those with whose views we may agree, but also to those who have expressed more superficial views; for these also contributed something, by developing before us the powers of thought." (Aristotle)

To conclude, President Obama is about to engage in a political debate and no doubt he will win. He is one of the worlds greatest and on time diamantiferous luminary leaders this world has ever seen. He is offensive, global minded and Presidential in every way. He understands human suffering and needs and knows exactly how to combat the ultracrepidarian agenda of unprecedented greed put forth by the neo-cons. He carefully picked his team like a very wise bel esprit and continues to be effective as the President of a great nation, so the critics are very myopic and unasinous in their judgment and thinking. Obamaism is a ubiquity that encompasses a global spectrum of both the spirituality and materiality of essence of mankind.

"A hero is born among a hundred, a wise man is found among a thousand, but an accomplished one might not be found even among a hundred thousand men” (Plato).

ATribute To A Great Bahamian Luminary Mr. Paul Adderley by Dr. Kevin J. Alcena

A Great Legend Has Passed - ATribute To A Great Bahamian Luminary Mr. Paul Adderley by Dr. Kevin J. Alcena

“...the safest course is to do nothing against one's conscience. With this secret, we can enjoy life and have no fear from death.” (Voltaire)

The autocthon bel esprit and iconic former Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Paul Adderley redefined Bahamas’ position in the global community. He was a friend, and a luminary mentor who encouraged me to pursue my PHD in Development Economics and articulated my intellectual mandate for national building. Mr. Adderley was the one who encouraged me to abandon ICS and establish McHari when he was the Minister of education. He was a patriot who wanted everything to originate from the Bahamas!

He was a rare zeitgeist is so many ways. He was our Bahamian Socrates and Plato combined. As an avid photographer I was able to view his art exhibits at Central Bank. He always admonished me to love my country because we have so much to enjoy in this great Bahamaland. I was honored to watch this artisan at work taking Junkanoo photographs that capture the intrinsic moments of life as they occurred.

“The shortest and surest way to live with honour in the world, is to be in reality what we would appear to be; and if we observe, we shall find, that all human virtues increase and strengthen themselves by the practice of them.” (Socrates)

The Honorable Paul Adderley that I can remember mentored and nurtured others like myself to be self-reliance with excellence as our driving force. He was very kind in giving legal advice and encouraged me to go back to law school as well as read and understand the constitution. He was a regional constitutional scholar who had an open-door policy when he as the Attorney General. He had no tolerance for mediocrity. I can recall him saying to me one day on Parliament Square, “Talk young man, I want to hear you! Don’t mutter! Speak up! I want to hear what’s on your mind!” That’s the kind of man I remember him to be. He had an incredible and unique laugh that was bigger than life.

Think not those faithful who praise all thy words and actions; but those who kindly reprove thy faults. (Socrates)

Mr. Adderley transcended the Bahamian order of intellects. He was a great historian and avid reader of ancient and modern history but detested colonialism. He always said to me, “You should read at least 5 books per month and make sure to write about them.” That is how I became the author of my first book in 1988 and many years after that. It was a result of Mr. Paul Adderley himself. He always critiqued on my articles and encouraged me to continue to write. He was a man who had zero tolerance for corruption and stood for principle. I can still hear that laughter in his voice that he often times ended his conversations with. I can remember clearly one day when he was walking to his car on Frederick Street when he was told he parked illegally he laughed and said, “I do not want to be perceived as breaking the law" and he humbly moved his car with words of gratitude. He was a great Bahamian debater and had a very common touch. There are very few people who leave indelible impressions on the lives of others. Mr. Adderley created and left behind a legacy in our Foreign Affairs National Policy. It is my opinion that the new airport road should be named after him.

“The soul of man is immortal and imperishable”. (Plato)

He was my friend whom I loved and a friend to all Bahamians especially those of the Junkanoo, legal society and global community. His friends will miss him dearly! The hour of departure has arrived, and we go our ways - I to die, and you to live. Which is better God only knows.(Socrates) You’ve done your part in this journey called life, now sleep on my dear friend and take your well deserved rest! We will miss the Honorable Paul Adderley whom we loved so dearly!

My Condolences to his family!

Pope Francis I

Pope Francis I is a man of the poor. He loves the poor, he is sympathetic to the poor and downtrodden. He will probably do things with the property of the church such as selling it off to help the poor. The hierarchy of the church will resent this and there will be those to disparage his papacy to resign or be smeared and become ineffective. God bless the Pope. However we are confident that God is on this Pope's side and will cause him to survive and conquer all for he is the head and not the tail and at the end of the day he will be victorious. No weapons formed against him will prosper. Victori sunt spolia - to the victor belong the spoils! At the end of the day this good Pope will have the spoils of glory (spolia gloria) on his side. He will rise to the occasion, for he is truly a man of God.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Jack Johnson

Both the House and the Senate of the United States of America have passed a measure to pardon the late great Jack Johnson, the greatest heavy weight champion the world has ever known. At the height of his career, he was charged with an offense against the Mann Act even before the Mann Act came into being. This was done because of the Jim Crowe Laws and rank discrimination that went on in the USA together with a distaste by the white population for Jack Johnson's preference for the white woman. As a result, his career was cut short and he had to flee the country until he finally decided to return when he was put in jail and served out the time illegally. Before this time senators and congressmen tried to seek a pardon for Jack Johnson but to no avail. To date congress and senate have passed a pardon overwhelmingly to pardon this great man. This Bill is presently on the President's desk awaiting his signature. No doubt, the President will sign that measure as his failure to sign it before may have been an act of concern for his political future. Since this is his final term in office he has no need to be concerned about his future political career. Moreover, presidents usually wait for their last term to pardon persons illegally charged with offenses or those whom they feel should be pardoned. This would be a relief, not only to Jack Johnson's family, who might be now alive but will also indicate that acts of justice in America are still alive and well and miscarriages of justice will never prevail. The fact that this effort to pardon Jack Johnson was a bipartisan one indicates that all are concerned with seeing that justice not only be done but that it be seen to be done. Jack Johnson was not only a boxer, but a very brilliant man but he also patented a modified wrench No. 1413121 to help tighten and loosen fastening devices. He spent time in jail unjustly and upon his being pardoned his family should be justly compensated for false imprisonment. He was a law abiding citizen concerned only with following the Bill of Rights in pursuing life, liberty and happiness in a country where he was born and he helped to make great. May God bless this great man and may those blessings from the patent and the damages that his family would receive shine greatly upon them. As the great, late Dr. Martin Luther King would say let justice fall down rain and righteousness like a mighty stream.

North Korea

North Korea is not stupid , if the attempt any nuclear weapons on American soil , the US will nuke them bake. Their threat will not be ignored , but let them be warned do not play with the eagle, the United States!